Friday 24 April 2020



Crown: The Greek word "STEPHANOS" used here does not mean the sort of crown kings wear. It means a wreath made of leaves which was given to the winners in athletic contests/race in those days.

Do we wish to win the rewards/crown God gives for faithful service?
There is only one way, the way Paul took. It is the way of self-denial and discipline for the sake of the gospel.

What kind of race is this? Is service for Christ then, like  a race?
In some respects, YES. And not everyone who runs gets a prize. The Paul speaks here the prize is not salvation, but the prize is some reward for Service to Christ.

Service to Christ:
The cross is a symbol of death. It was the Roman means of execution. Figuratively, to take up one’s cross means to willingly go forward to the place of death to self and its desires, aims, and plans. 

It means a mind to undergo whatever is painful or humiliating or mortifying to follow Christ. It is an attitude toward Christ and one’s self which is the basis of the true Christian life.

The believer is told to maintain this attitude daily. To try to carry one’s cross without following Jesus is a hard and bitter thing. And renunciation of desire and the world, austerities, penance, etc, come to nothing good if we do not follow Him. 

But to carry our cross and follow Jesus because we trust and love Him is freedom and joy, for those who do so will find that Jesus is with them all the way.

1. 👑 Imperishable/Incorruptible Crown: (1 Cor. 9:25):
This crown would be the first level a believer would attain to. This crown indicates mastery over the sin nature. The Christians are being urged to run the life in such a way as to receive the reward in the end.

Quote: "Only those who run the race and run it according to the rules will get a prize."

2. 👑 Crown of Joy/Rejoicing: (1 Thess.2:19):
This crown is for those who lead others to Christ or demonstrate fruitfulness by influencing others towards righteousness.

Quote: "Rewards are not just for how we live and what we do, they are also for the influence we have on how others live and what they do".

3. 👑 Crown of Righteousness: (2 Tim. 4:8):
This crown goes to those who live righteously in this world while they look forward to Christ’s return. They are those who are not captivated by this world, but hunger and thirst after righteousness.

Quote: "This is a crown for righteous behavior and an upright life".

4. 👑 Crown of Glory: (1 Pet. 5:4):
The greatest achievement is to fulfill your calling and finish the work God gave you to do. The scripture reference is speaking to pastors who finish their work faithfully, but this crown is not only for pastors. It is for anyone who finds and fulfills their assignment God has given them.

Quote: "Earthly crowns or stephanos wee made of vines, etc. This crown is made out of Glory!"

5. 👑 Crown of Life: (Rev. 2:10):
This crown is for those who proceed in God’s plan in their life while enduring trials. The believer who moves forward in God’s call and assignment in the face of difficulty, even martyrdom, will receive this crown.

Quote: "We are faithful to the Lord in the trial. The Lord is faithful to reward us for enduring the trial".

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